Sunday, April 08, 2007

Banff Trip '07

Greg and Shawn at Lake Louise

Greg after going head first down the steepest slopes on Louise! Yes, that is Greg's ski.

Greg after falling off of a ridge. Greg is on the left, Shawn is helping him get his skies back

So we were a little mean to Mark and took him down a tree filled run! He was a great sport but I think his urge to kill us is rising here!!

After reminding Mark he was supposed to ski down the hill and not walk the day went a lot smoother! (haha)

After a long trip up the mountain we reached the top, a little out of breath.

The view that day was spectacular!

Mark went in to "get us a table for lunch". We found him catching some Z's.

Photo Op!

Andrew (aka Andy) decided to take me down the scariest part of the mountain. Thankfully I had recently bought a helmet!

After a lot of work and a lot of encouragement I made it!!


At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures and I am glad that no one got injured. Want a copy of the one of you and mark at the took of the mountain. Love you both mom


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