Monday, June 18, 2007

Kevin and Sarah's Wedding

The Ouellette family caused a lot of problems at the wedding. First Julie sent back all of her food, and then Aunt Joan spilt tomato soup all over her table.

Dad did a great job as Master of Ceremonies

Good looking group! I think Melanie made us retake this photo about 100 times, until she got the one she wanted.

Great dress Trina!

All the Ferris Grandchildren. It has been a whlie since we were all together.

It was decided that next time we are all going to be together we have to send everyone a picture of us in there outfit so we don't end up looking like wall paper when we stand together.


At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys Good pictures and lots of words I like it . We look good don't we? Still like the one of Jackie taking the Weaver guy down:)
LOve mom

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

K, in my defense, it's not MY fault I have allergies and they couldn't figure it out! Also, I'll be sure to send out the memo to the ladies to avoid any b/w wallpaper dilemna... great pics Jackie!


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